Richard Lunt

“I’m a 39-year-old time trial rider with a busy job and demanding young family. I turned to John two years ago as I strongly suspected that I wasn’t making the most of my limited training time – and I was right. John’s coaching has transformed me as a rider and I have made massive PBs in all the distances I ride. For example, I went from an old PB of 1:01:58 on the local 25-mile course (Hatfield Woodhouse) to under the hour in my first season. In my second season, I posted 55:07 on the same course, an almost unbelievable near 7-minute improvement over my old PB. I have also finished in the top 3 in Open events and rode 1:49:14 in a 50-mile time trial, averaging 27.5 mph. All of this is from a usual training load of around 6 to 7 hours per week. I do not believe that such improvements would have been possible without the benefit of John’s expertise and the adjustments he’s regularly made to my plan based on his considerable training knowledge and experience.”

John Morgan